There are many ways in which you can help! You may have the time and energy to fully involve yourself with Rainbow Haven, you may have the financial ressources to donate regularly, or you may have a few hours that you will be happy to use helping to provide safety to asylum seekers. Here are some of the possibilities!

Help to spread the message!

You can let your social network, friends and family know there is a place were they can help LGTBQ+ asylum seekers!. Either share the url of this web site or download the brochure.

We will be happy to make a presentation of our work and goals to your association/group/church. If you are interested please contact us!

Punctual tasks

Do you have a bit of time and you would like to help without a permanent commitment? We are happy for any help! Here is a list of activities to do with other volunteers:

  • Staffing information tables at pride festivals, universities, public events…
  • Graphics designers (especially if you think the pictures in this page are lousy!), photographers, creators
  • Organizing craft sales, silent auctions
  • Communications, press releases, social media….

Getting involve in a deep way

Want to join one of our cells?. Currently we have a cell that supports two safe houses in Dakar, Senegal and another group that supports a safe house in Kenia. There is a third group – the hub- that coordinates the important work of maintaining the charity status, communications, etc. while supporting the work the cells are doing.

You may be interested to start your own Rainbow Haven cell! Your cell will take care of setting up and supporting a safe house. As you can imagine, there are a lot of details about how to start and maintain such an endeavour and the hub will support your all the way. Please contact us.


And last but not least: you can always donate. You will get our thanks, the knowledge that you are helping real people in ugly situations and a tax receipt.